It's amazing how we have the audacity to think that we are important among the 7 billion people on earth; that people would want to know us, listen to us, and read what we want them to. But that really shouldn't stop us from what we want to/need to say anyway! This is a blog based on lifestyle, social issues, fashion (occasionally) and the mind. Based on my mind and the opinion it generates. I am 19 and I am a Media and Journalism undergrad student in Manipal University, India. I hope you like my blog. Do visit my website www.abhishreejkumar.com :)

Friday 19 December 2014


The contents of the hall full glass.
“And you’re awake because?” she asked for the 6th time.
“Just because”, I answered casually, not knowing what else to say.

Before I begin with this article, I just want to say that yes, I noticed my blog looks different now, and the caption is different too (just in-case you haven’t noticed, please scroll up) and this was what I was doing at 4 am in the morning- I was modifying my blog. And to warn you, this article is all about my caption. Planning on closing the page already? Don’t even think about it.

I always thought I was one of those people who could never sit in a place and write. I never really imagined opening a blog in the first place. It was probably in August when a lecturer from my college gave us the assignment of opening a blog. My immediate reaction was “What the? I need to write? Shoot me already”, which was followed by crying over my desk, wailing on my way to hostel, and cribbing about it to my roommate. With great difficulty, I successfully managed to open a blog and post two articles (which lie somewhere in the beginning of the blog now) and that was it! I promised myself I wasn’t going to blog about anything and drifted to what seemed like a peaceful slumber. Days passed, and nothing happened- till one day, I walked past one of my classmates who seemed completely lost in an article he was typing, and I ended up disturbing him; as usual. After a brief conversation, he popped a question. “Why don’t you blog?” Why don’t I blog? Are you kidding me? Give me one reason why I would even think of blogging and wasting my time rather than doing something useful- like doing nothing. “I can’t write for shit” was what I answered after some mental math. “Who cares if you can write well, or if people would like it? You can write- that’s what matters. I’m sure somebody will stumble upon your useless blog and read it!” Yeah, thanks a lot man, but ain’t nobody got time for that. “Yeah, let’s see about that!” I barked out and left. For some reason though, I was surprised by how optimistic he was. Okay maybe he wasn’t that optimistic, but at-least he wasn’t negative like me. I tried to get it off my mind, but the thought kept running back in. I realized that while I looked at the half empty glass and cribbed about life, he could look at the half full glass and make the most of it. That’s when I started blogging. Over time, blogging has become something I like to do, and not forced to do anymore. It’s given me a platform to express my thoughts and make people visualize them. In life, we often ignore the small things that can make huge changes and always search for the big picture. We’re pessimistic about anything and everything that doesn’t go our way. Yes, that includes me too, stop judging. We get so caught up in making everything look perfect. If we’re asked to blog, we complicate simple ideas by using big words, and making the reader go “What’s happening? Am I stupid, am I dyslexic?” It’s a blog, not a dictionary! We’re so caught up in the race of becoming better than the other person that we begin to find faults in ourselves; some of them don’t even exist. We make our life the half empty glass. On the other hand, people see the half full glass in different ways. A capitalist would just paste a sticker on it which says iGlass, and sell it for $50. An opportunist would just drink the glass of water and walk away, while an ideologist would try to provide unlimited energy from a glass of water and end the war. A realist doesn’t care if the glass is empty or full, it’s just a glass to him. But the best way to see it- is to see it as an optimist. The one who can see the positive side of any situation. The one who can make someone’s life better. The one who doesn’t dwell on a problem, but looks for a solution. The one who can encourage people and tell them that they are worth something; the one who can see the beauty in everything. The one who chooses to see the huge white plain canvas in front of him, and draw a beautiful landscape called life on it, than devote his attention to the dirt on the edge of the canvas. This is the way of life we are in need of today. So, instead of cursing myself for missing out on sleep, as usual, I’m going to think of it as an opportunity to write. But yeah, it's 5 am already, and I’m just human, so I better sleep.

Remember, the glass is always half full.

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