It's amazing how we have the audacity to think that we are important among the 7 billion people on earth; that people would want to know us, listen to us, and read what we want them to. But that really shouldn't stop us from what we want to/need to say anyway! This is a blog based on lifestyle, social issues, fashion (occasionally) and the mind. Based on my mind and the opinion it generates. I am 19 and I am a Media and Journalism undergrad student in Manipal University, India. I hope you like my blog. Do visit my website www.abhishreejkumar.com :)

Monday 1 June 2015


Hello again, everyone! I know, I know, it’s been an extremely long time, and I’m really sorry about that! I’m writing because I’m finally done with a crazy semester and I’m home for my summer break! What can I say, college can be hard! Talking about college, now that I’m done with my freshman year, let’s just take a walk down the memory lane and see if what you expect out of college and what you get are actually the same! Before anything else, can I ask you something? You have 96%? You have 69%? Good! Because nobody cares! Literally no one cares in college! Okay, I had to clear that up before anything else!

I started my first year of college on 21st July, 2014. How time flew, I have no idea! We all dream of college, and how our life would dramatically change once we step in! That’s what I thought too! But here’s what happened when I stepped into college for the first time- I FELL DOWN. I know, what a fail, right? I walked through the gates and the next thing I know, I’ve landed on my bum and I’m looking up for help in shock and disbelief. That should explain something about college- it can be fun and embarrassing too! But it won’t be the end of your life! Embrace it and you’ll make the most out of your first year!

Freshman year is supposed to be the toughest year of college life, and it’s true! You’ll be new to the place; you’ll be new to the people! Your expectation v/s reality list ends up on two different planets! So, let’s begin!

First things first! If you think you can stay in contact with all your old friends and still bond so closely, you’re wrong! Of course, you do stay in touch, but is it the same as before? Definitely not! People get busy with their own lives and you probably end up staying in touch with two out of 20 people! Reality- deal with it!
Two! If you think you’re gonna stay a diva for the rest of your life, college will change that for you! You’ll put your best effort to look like a model in the first month! By the 3rd month, you’ll probably be walking into class in pajamas or track pants! Believe me, it happens! Especially if you’re staying away from home, in a dorm, because people see you in the best of your outfits and also your worst! So, it’s advisable to pack more pajamas than jeans!
Three! You’ll make friends and they’ll stay with you till the end of college life- FALSE. It’s amazing how the group of friends you hang out with tend to change with every semester, and you find yourself mingling with everyone in one or the other way! Few friends stay throughout your college years, but that won’t be more than 2 or 3 people!
Four! No homework and a lot of free time! FALSE, FALSE AND FALSE! I don’t know if there’s anything worse than this assumption! You’ll be loaded almost every other day with assignments and homework! Few of them even have weekly tests! Yes, I know, sorry to break your bubble!
Five! Coffee becomes your best friend! A year ago, I used to detest coffee and here I am, holding a cup of coffee and telling you this. Anything with caffeine is just everything you need to keep yourself awake in the night, awake in the class, awake everywhere!
Six! I’m not much of a party person myself, but if you think parties are like the ones you see in Hollywood movies or a Karan Johar movie, go wash your face and snap out of your dream!
Seven! Bunking classes! Now bunking classes might seem cool and easy, but it’s not! You’ll have to keep your attendance in check every time, that is, if you don’t want to repeat a year!
Eight! College fests! Now that really depends on your college and the way they organise it! But because I’m spoiling everything else for you, I’m not gonna skip this one either! Attendances is usually taken in fests and if you plan on bunking it, well, think again! College fests are really fun, so try to mingle and contribute to it! Try to make it to the organising committee!
Nine! My god, if you think you can join all the clubs and stay in it, believe me, you’re wrong! After a point of time, you either get bugged up or kicked out, so yeah.
Ten! Teachers don’t care about you… now that’s not entirely true! Of course, it isn’t like school anymore, but there are a few teachers who care about you! Some of them even end up as your mentors and they’re really cool! But be on their good books! They’re the ones who can save your sorry ass when it comes to internal exams and attendance!
Eleven! You and your roommate are going to be best friends! This can be false almost all the time! But I clearly wanna highlight the “ALMOST”! I swear, my roommate and I, we’re like everything to each other! Best friends, sisters, critics, etc etc! But I have seen very few people like that! Usually they end up in their own worlds and not care much about the other person! If you are lucky enough, the way I am, then you’ll have the best time ever!
Twelve! RAGGING! Again, that depends on your college! Of course, the seniors love having a laugh at you guys but it’s not going to be anything serious! These seniors will become your guides and best friends too! As usual, be in their good books!
Thirteen! HOSTEL LIFE EVERYTHING YOU IMAGINED AND BEYOND! YES! The best part about college is the hostel life and it’s ten million times crazier than what you’ve imagined!
Fourteen! Everyone immediately starts dating! Well, I don’t really want to comment on that! That’s one thing that’ll shock you in college!

I won’t say more, because you’ll figure it out yourself! Just have patience and go at a slow pace! Make the most of everything you get and believe me, you’ll truly enjoy your freshman year! After all, it’s the best year of college! Good luck!